Transcription Editor settings help
You can find your Editor settings in the header located in the top right of your screen (See screenshots below). These settings are used to not only customize how you view your transcript but can help make your editing more efficient, or customize how you export.
Note: Depending on your screen size, you may have to scroll on the settings menu to see all options available.
The settings are:
- High Contrast: We use a lot of shading and animation to make Konch's design smooth and modern. For some users that makes using our platform harder to read. When this setting is on, text and buttons will have much more contrast for easier reading.
- Scroll Helper: For some folks without scroll wheels, or if the browser scroll bar is too small and hard to grab, the scroll helper allows you to easily move from section to section or page to page of your transcript.
- Email when complete: Send an email notification when the transcriptions are completed for all future transcripts.
- Show Words for Review: Words that the A.I. was not confident in transcribing are marked as red.
- Show Speakers: Hide the speaker sections in the right gutter.
- Compact Lines: Trim the distance between each line in half resulting in more words on the screen at once.
- Auto Scroll: Scroll to where ever the playing word is underlined.
- Auto Stop: If the audio is plating, stop the audio when the text is clicked.
- Auto Show Menu: When you click the selected text, auto-open the menu. Otherwise, you must right-click.
- Auto Show Comments: When you click highlighted text, auto open comments associated with the highlight (i.e. annotation). Otherwise, you must use the keyboard shortcut (Option + Click).
- Max Characters per line (Max CPL): The maximum number of characters you would like per subtitle line, without breaking a word. For example, if you choose "10", then the sentence "How are you doing?", the resulting subtitles will be "How are you" and then "doing?".
- Break all speakers: This option forces a break for all speaker sections you create. The setting will be bound to the Max CPL as well.
Editor settings are also accessible at the bottom of your " Settings" page, under "Profile". (